How Great Leaders Inspire Action
Host: Simon Sinek
Discussion: The "golden circle" concept and starting with 'why'.
Takeaways: The power of emotional connection in inspiring action.
The Puzzle of Motivation
Host: Dan Pink
Discussion: Challenging traditional motivational methods.
Takeaways: Motivating teams beyond financial incentives.
Why We Have Too Few Women Leaders
Host: Sheryl Sandberg
Discussion: Barriers for women in leadership.
Takeaways: Gender diversity and empowerment strategies.
Listen, Learn…Then Lead
Host: General Stanley McChrystal
Discussion: Building shared purpose in diverse teams.
Takeaways: The importance of listening and adapting in leadership.
How to Start a Movement
Host: Derek Sivers
Discussion: The growth of movements and the role of first followers.
Takeaways: Nurturing early supporters and leadership actions.
Everyday Leadership
Host: Drew Dudley
Discussion: Impact of small, daily acts in leadership.
Takeaways: The power of small actions in leadership.
Lead Like The Great Conductors
Host: Itay Talgam
Discussion: Leadership lessons from orchestra conductors.
Takeaways: How subtle leadership gestures can create harmony from chaos​​.
Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe
Host: Simon Sinek
Discussion: Trust and safety in leadership.
Takeaways: Creating a circle of trust in the workplace​.
What It Takes To Be A Great Leader
Host: Roselinde Torres
Discussion: Attributes of effective leadership.
Takeaways: Three critical questions for leaders to consider​​.
Leadership and Innovation
Creativity and Collaboration
How to Manage for Collective Creativity
Host: Linda Hill
Discussion: Collective creativity in successful companies.
Takeaways: Fostering team innovation and collaboration.
Dare to Disagree
Host: Margaret Heffernan
Discussion: Constructive conflict in leadership.
Takeaways: The value of embracing disagreement for better decision-making.
Effective Communication
10 Ways to Have a Better Conversation
Host: Celeste Headlee
Discussion: Techniques for effective conversations.
Takeaways: Improving communication skills in various settings.
Remember to Say Thank You
Host: Laura Trice
Discussion: The power of appreciation in communication.
Takeaways: Highlights the impact of expressing gratitude in personal and professional relationships.
The Danger of Silence
Host: Clint Smith
Discussion: The consequences of staying silent in critical conversations.
Takeaways: Encourages speaking up against injustices and being vocal about important issues.
The Secret Structure of Great Talks
Host: Nancy Duarte
Discussion: Effective structures for impactful presentations.
Takeaways: Offers insights into crafting engaging and persuasive speeches and presentations.
How to Save the World from Bad Meetings
Host: David Grady
Discussion: Improving the productivity of meetings.
Takeaways: Provides strategies for making meetings more efficient and goal-oriented.
Connected, But Alone?
Host: Sherry Turkle
Discussion: The impact of technology on real-life communication.
Takeaways: Discusses how digital connections can sometimes hinder genuine human interactions.
The Power of Vulnerability
Host: Brené Brown
Discussion: The role of vulnerability in communication.
Takeaways: Explains how being open and vulnerable enhances communication and connection.
A Funny Look at the Unintended Consequences of Technology
Host: Chuck Nice
Discussion: The impact of technology on communication and interaction.
Takeaways: Explores the humorous side of how technology affects our daily interactions.
How to Resolve Racially Stressful Situations
Host: Howard C. Stevenson
Discussion: Addressing racial tensions in communication.
Takeaways: Offers strategies for navigating and resolving racial stress in conversations.
How Can Groups Make Good Decisions?
Host: Mariano Sigman and Dan Ariely
Discussion: The psychology behind group decision-making.
Takeaways: Provides insights into how groups can communicate effectively to make better decisions.
The Secret Ingredients of Great Hospitality
Host: Will Guidara
Discussion: Will Guidara shares his experience of transforming customer service in his restaurant by serving a two-dollar hot dog, creating a personalized experience for customers. This approach led to what Guidara describes as "unreasonable hospitality.
Takeaways: The talk emphasizes the importance of personalization and going beyond conventional expectations to create extraordinary experiences in the hospitality industry​.
Why the Best Hire Might Not Have the Perfect Resume
Host: Regina Hartley
Discussion: Addressing racial tensions in communication.
Takeaways: Offers strategies for navigating and resolving racial stress in conversations.
The Happy Secret to Better Work
Host: Shawn Achor
Discussion: Positive psychology and its impact on productivity.
Takeaways: CEOs can learn the importance of happiness in enhancing work performance.
How to Make Work-Life Balance Work
Host: Nigel Marsh
Discussion: Achieving a balanced lifestyle between work and personal life.
Takeaways: Practical strategies for CEOs to manage time effectively and maintain work-life harmony.
What Makes us Feel Good About Our Work?
Host: Dan Ariely
Discussion: True motivations behind work.
Takeaways: Progress and purpose as key motivators​​.
As Work Gets More Complex, Six Rules to Simplify
Host: Yves Morieux
Discussion: Simplifying complex work environments.
Takeaways: Six rules for 'smart simplicity' in the workplace​​.
Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are
Host: Amy Cuddy
Discussion: Impact of body language on confidence and leadership.
Takeaways: The role of non-verbal cues in leadership presence.
The Difference Between Winning and Succeeding
Host: John Wooden
Discussion: Redefining success.
Takeaways: The importance of pursuing personal bests and positive development​​.
The Power of Believing They Can Improve
Host: Carol Dweck​
Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are
Host: Amy Cuddy
Discussion: Impact of body language on confidence and leadership.
Takeaways: The role of non-verbal cues in leadership presence.